Wednesday, March 13, 2019

CHS Dance Team Try-outs - April 16-19

CHS 2019-2020 Dance Team Try-out info!
Try-out Clinics - April 16 & 17 - 4-6PM
Interview & Try-out - April 18 - 4PM
New Team Meeting - April 19 - 5pm
CHS South Gymnasium

Come audition for the Centaurus Dance/Poms Team! Join our team to perform at halftime of all of the CHS Home Football and Basketball games, attend summer dance camp with the team, attend regional competitions, and have the opportunity to travel to Dance Team Nationals in Orlando, FL! Dance experience not required, but highly recommended to make the Varsity team. Please come in dance/work out attire and jazz shoes. If you don’t have jazz shoes, please wear athletic sneakers.

Questions: email Coach Michaela -